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Project Goliath | Paleolithic / TheDiscoveryOfTheSling

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Source in Spanish: Attach:HonderoPaleolitico.pdf

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The shadows of prehistory hover over the sling, making it necessary to turn to indirect procedures, plausible hypotheses, and reasonable imagination, and to dispose of false indicators opposing its existence; in sum, to sense and trace its appearance and development. Only after the Neolithic do unmistakable records appear - clay projectiles - which demonstrate its existence in a palpable way among history’s first raisers of livestock.

Paleolithic, The Discovery of the Sling

The first consideration when addressing this prehistoric stage is to determine the moment of appearance or invention of the sling. Due to the perishable nature of its materials, it is not possible to find remains directly. Only by tracking its projectiles can we approach the question of its origins. However, here we also stumble with the fact that these, because of the nature of their one-time use, would not normally be products of stone carving; also, any chip or stone chosen would fit the requirements for its use as a projectile without being identified as such.

We are therefore in the realm of conjecture, where the only way to remain oriented is logical deduction based on a variety of arguments, such as the analysis of adaptation of found objects for a required use, the technological availability at the time of the object’s creation, the possibility of invention, the effectiveness of suspected solutions for the required use, and its survival in later cultures or among the indigenous peoples of today. A little explanation will clarify these concepts, which will then be developed in a practical manner.

The adaptation of objects attempts to prove that such objects found in the era of study are well-adapted, as parts or entireties of the instrument, to the function or use we are exploring or supposing in that period. The technological availability analyzes whether previous solutions or inventions necessary for the construction of the instrument in question were already available. The possibility of invention assures that all parts necessary for the construction of the instrument were in existence, that the innovative leap was feasible at that time. The effectiveness of solutions confirms, by means of experimentation, that the design of an instrument whose use is suspected is effective for the achievement of a particular function. One is inclined to think that, if an instrument could have been invented, and was effective for achieving the required function, then in all probability it was invented. And finally, the verification of existence of these solutions of suspected use on the ethno-archeological records - which is to say, in the culture of other, later peoples, including present-day indigenous people - at least contributes to a conviction of the effectiveness of the instruments.

Well, then, the presence in the archeological records of stone objects of a spheroid shape, carved or polished and of various sizes, lends itself to different theories, among which could easily be sling projectiles.

Paleolithic Bola
Museo Arqueológico Nacional
[National Archaeological Museum, Madrid]

From the Lower Paleolithic to the Middle Paleolithic, the stone spheroids or polyhedrons make their appearance, and above all in this last period, there is a perfecting of the former with regard to the polishing and uniformity of its surface: the bolas.

The use of the latter seems to correspond to the use of boleadoras, which were used for hunting, thrown at the legs of fleeing animals, around which they would entangle themselves, making the animal fall. Strengthening this view is the fact that they sometimes appear in groups of three, similar to the ones used by the gauchos of the Argentine plains.

Argentine Boleadora
Museum of the Americas [Madrid]

As far as the first, the spheroids, their interpretation is more problematic, even though, due to their shape, we are tempted to think of the same use but with a product of more primitive workmanship. However, there are differences in their size, given that, just as the bolas, they usually have an average diameter of 8 cm; among the polyhedrons, we find variations between 3.5 and 9 cm. By their size, some could have been used as sling projectiles; not so with the bolas, among which are found some remarkably large sizes and weights around 600 grams, difficult to handle with a sling.

Lithic Polyhedron
Museo Arqueológico Nacional [Madrid]

The presence of wear and crushing of the edges of the spheroids suggests an intention to make a uniform surface, or instead a repeated use, the opposite of a sling projectile. This would lead us to their use as boleadoras or as a grinders of small seeds, striking them and making them roll on a flat surface. Their use as a hammer for chipping off stone flakes does not seem likely, given a lack of need for their round shape.

Furthermore, the spheroids show up before the bolas, and it would not be unreasonable to suppose a similar use, more primitive, less evolved than the relatively sophisticated and specialized boleadoras. (1)

Let’s envision the process of evolution from the throwing by hand of randomly collected rocks to the use of the boleadoras and slings. It would probably have followed a path of progressive adoption of interconnected solutions of increasing complexity, which would evolve one from the other over time after experience in their use - what I have called the possible sequence of invention. Following this deductive process, we can arrive at the conclusion that the invention of the sling could have been achieved during the course of Paleolithic times. Perhaps some day we will be able to lay out an informative model which, in a probabilistic way, will be capable of demarcating for us the lines of evolution with regard to the uses and usefulness over time, combining needs, means, and possibilities of invention.

Very well, continuing with this reasoning, it seems evident that, after long periods of throwing every kind of stone by hand – prehistoric time was extremely slow in changes of use – the use of stones carved into a more or less spherical shape would be preferred, demonstrating the advantages of better fitting the hand, a more effective and controllable throw, greater accuracy, etc. The process must have gone through a phase of selection of natural rocks and, later, having acquired the ability to work them, the production of somewhat primitive spheroids. Once their effectiveness was demonstrated in taking down animals by hitting them, they presented the inconvenience of losing them. And so, the production of more perfect examples had to be linked to the idea of their recovery by means of attaching them to a long cord, so that once the projectile was thrown, the cord would permit their retrieval by pulling on it.

Hypothesized Corded Polyhedron

I have personally achieved this, and the throwing and recovery in this way is effective and natural. The required throwing distance should not be so long as to reduce the feasibility of making and using an appropriate cord. Let’s think about the limitations in accuracy and range for such weights and assume a throwing distance of around 15 to 20 meters, enough to take down a herd animal on the run if surprise or cornering techniques are used. The survival into later eras of weapons based on this principle (Celtic clubs, spears of North American Indians, knives from medieval Japan), equipped with a cord or something similar, capable of recovery after throwing, support their viability.

One of the first doubts to resolve, as already pointed out, is the possibility of creating a cord of such length, which, by logic, should be thin and perhaps made of leather, being (in that thickness) more durable than the primitive string braid, assuming it existed. The use and production of such a long cord was perhaps first introduced for this purpose, an invention that, at the same time, was possible by the joining of the smaller cords of everyday use. Both of these, and the practice of knotting, had previously been achieved. The new requirement of length would spur the innovation, through the combining of previous abilities. The invention was possible.

So, we have a rounded stone, of a size tailored to fit the hand, of an optimum weight and shape for throwing as a take-down projectile of the hunt. It is tied by a long cord that allows for its recovery and repeated use relatively quickly. We also have diversity of game, large and small, and therefore the suitability of using different sizes of projectiles. A bird or a hare could be taken with a smaller projectile than that necessary for a buck.

The continuous exercise of throwing and recovery of the tied projectile inevitably produced experience in the handling of the stone by means of the cord, held at short range - and the discovery of swinging or whirling as an effective way of throwing the stone with less effort and greater range. A repeated exercising of this ability would undoubtedly lead to the additional acquisition of accuracy. The one-weight boleadora has been discovered, whose use accidentally demonstrates its effectiveness when thrown at the legs of large herbivores; these would become entangled by the cord held from afar by the hunter, who would shoot with decisiveness and skill to bring the animal down. Large weights were not necessary for this practice, as it was not a matter of striking the animal but of entangling the legs. The impact boleadoras, of greater weight, would also continue to be used.

In the use of the primitive boleadora, there must have been incidents of the stone coming loose from being improperly tied, and the observation that it would sometimes leave at great speed could not have been overlooked by those primitive people. The tying of the stones had to eventually evolve into wrapping them in leather as the most effective solution, at the same time requiring more polishing and rounding of the stones (bolas) so that the edges of the spheroids would not tear the leather upon hitting the ground. And now we have the pouch of the sling within reach, and one continues to imagine the sense of wonder of the hunter, contemplating this leather wrapping coming undone as a result of the impulsion of the throw, after seeing the rounded stone leaving it and flying towards his quarry.

However, this next stage of invention towards the sling could not have been easy. Let’s not forget that the Acheulean man of which we are speaking was stuck making the same kinds of stone implements for hundreds of thousands of years, with a level of innovation of virtually none. Possibly, the leap was not made until the Middle Paleolithic, when the Neanderthal man would introduce greater mental aptitude.

During this time, the use of boleadoras would be common, and in all probability, the initial holding cord was now dropped in some places in favor of a small handle for the primitive impact boleadora. The use of handles was not foreign to the people of these times; they used them for the more effective use of scrapers and drills. A handle tied to the end of the cord allowed an optimum grip during the twirl, a more powerful throw, and a smoother, more precise release of the boleadora. The fastening of the cord to the handle would evolve to a more effective form by means of an opening sufficiently wide at the end of the handle, through which the cord would pass to make a loop. This type of fastening would allow a maximum freedom of motion and a minimum wearing of the cord, as well as the most aerodynamic position of the handle during the flight. Also, with this impact boleadora, the handle, acting as ballast, would sometimes also result in entangling the legs of prey. Evolution towards the multi-stone boleadora was obvious, substituting another stone for the handle, which, in addition to acting as a handle in the twirling, would better serve the purpose of entangling.

Hypothesized Handle Boleadora

The primitive sling could have been of a single cord, derived from the handle boleadora, with a special connection to the pouch which let go with a sharp jerk from the throw, imitating the accidental coming undone of the wrapping around the stone. It is easy to imagine such a wrapping coming undone during the shot, with the end of the tie cord hanging from the leather, and a re-tying in some way so as to produce another untying within a few shots. In this way, the knowledge necessary for a self-releasing connection was being acquired.

It is also easy to envision the mental process it would take to extend this starting point that was destined for the self-releasing connection, passing it through the hole of the handle so that the release process would be more easily controlled from the hunter’s hand. This way, greater accuracy and the possibility of differences in throwing power could be achieved, without the inconvenience of poorly timed releases, a characteristic phenomenon of self-releasing connections. The sling would have been discovered in the form of the handle sling. Personal experience with this type of sling has shown the effectiveness of its use and the good control of the shot.

Hypothesized Handle Boleadora (left and above right)
Substituted Finger Hold (above, lower right)

The next step for reaching the conventional sling was minimal: simply substituting a finger hold for the retention of the cord in the handle hole. However, the common use of the conventional sling may not have made its appearance until later, perhaps in the Neolithic Period, enduring now in that form throughout the course of history. This has a reasonable explanation if one considers that both slings, handle-type and conventional, being similar in effectiveness, are however different in loading speed, in favor of the conventional; this would decide its use in warfare, which we will see appearing at that time [the Neolithic]. Only much later, with the Romans, would the handle sling or fustíbulo [staff sling] again be used as well, in a form adapted to the throwing of large stones.

With regard to the projectiles, usage would demonstrate that any more or less regular pebble would be effective enough; the uniform shape of the spheroids was not necessary now, as all that they provided was a good fit to the hand so as to achieve better control and impulsion in the throw. Thus, the absence or scarcity of manufactured projectiles is not surprising in this first stage of the sling.

An irreconcilable unknown is the expansion of the supposed use of the sling in the face of the boleadoras. During this time of the Middle Paleolithic, between 100,000 and 30,000 years ago, man did not have hunting weapons at his disposal other than the plain wooden spear, perhaps coupled with a flint point, which was possibly not used except in hand, without throwing. Thus, as throwing weapons for use at a distance, only the boleadora and the sling existed. Taking into account the vast amount of time in which their use took place, there is no doubt of the skill and mastery achieved in the handling of both, similar to that which was acquired in the making of their stone implements, which have reached us today so well.

In terms of their specialization, we must turn to the limits of the weapon’s effectiveness. The size of the sling projectiles is clearly inferior to the boleadoras, due to the nature of the weapons and their greater effectiveness for impact from speed rather than from weight. This indicates a specialization of the sling for minor hunting: large birds, rabbits, small deer, etc. The boleadoras were reserved for the large herbivores, hunted now by impact or, more commonly, by entangling the legs.

Translation by Rockman, edited by 4accord

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